

这一集以在岛上生活了16年的法国女人Danielle出现在Jack他们的营地开始,她带来了一个非常恐怖的消息:they are coming!!! The others are coming!!! 但是the others是谁?她没说清楚,大家都想知道,但是,没有人知道。The others来了之后,将会是大家的灾难,大家要做的是要么逃跑,要么躲避,要么死……面对未知的一切,面对危险,大家该如何应对?
 于是,一切都加快了原有的进程,Michael他们建造的船要在the others出现之前下水起航,但是忙中出错,船有小部分破损,精神高度紧张的Michael把这错赖到了Sawyer的头上,Sawyer很是郁闷,他 想帮忙,但是却帮不上忙。于是他一个人在树林里砍竹子,自己弄一个根新的桅杆。砍着砍着Jack过来了,他过来是想交给Sawyer一把枪,以备不时之 需。马上就要分别了,在一起的这么长时间,彻底的改变了Sawyer。在出发前Sawyer告诉Jack之前在悉尼的时候见过Jack的父亲 Christian,告诉Jack他父亲很爱他。也就是下面的这段对话,我觉得很经典,classic。
Sawyer: About a week before we all got on the plane, I got to talking to this man in a bar in Sydney. He was American, too. A doctor. I've been on some benders in my time, but this guy - he was going for an all time record. It turns out this guy has a son - his son's a doctor, too. They had some kind of big time falling out(闹翻). The guy knew it was his fault, even though his son was back in the States thinking the same damn thing. See, kids are like dogs, you knock them around enough they'll think they did something to deserve it. Anyway, there's a pay phone in this bar. And this guy, Christian, tells me he wishes he had the stones to pick up the phone, call his kid, tell him he's sorry, that he's a better doctor than he'll ever be. He's proud, and he loves him. (Jack starts to tear up) I had to take off, but something tells me he never got around to making that call.
另一方 面,Jack, Kate, Lock, Hurley和法国女人Danielle一起去到黑岩石那边拿炸药,去炸开他们发现的那个舱门(hatch),以便让大家都躲到那里面,因为Lock觉得 里面应该很大,虽然他自己也不是很确定……途中,他们又看见了那个怪物,the monster,这时法国女人说这是怪物是用来保护小岛的。而且这时又显示了Lock是大神级的,他居然知道静止不动可以躲过那个怪物……

最终,Jin, Michael and Walt, Sawyer四大主角上了船,正式踏上了回家的路,踏上了岛上的这些活着的遇难者的希望之路,但是,前方的路并不是一帆风顺……

